Jersey Gives a Damn - A Community Foundation of NJ Podcast
By The Community Foundation of New Jersey
The 'Jersey Gives a Damn' podcast captures conversation with the innovators, leaders, and changemakers making New Jersey's communities stronger. It's hosted by Aaron Turner, Chief Philanthropic Officer at the Community Foundation of New Jersey where it’s our privilege to help hundreds of philanthropically minded New Jerseyans have the greatest impact on the causes and communities they care about.

Jersey Gives a Damn - A Community Foundation of NJ PodcastFeb 20, 2025

The Art of New Jersey - A conversation on New Jersey’s arts and arts organizations, and their value to community
This is the first installment in our Jersey Gives a Damn Podcast series on the Arts in New Jersey. With help from our guests, we better understand the arts landscape in the state: what makes our art scene special, what value it brings, and how arts, artistry, and arts organizations are faring in a state which has been in the shadow of its neighbors, New York and Philadelphia, but that has an identity and vibrant history all its own. And we learn that art's value is not just in the beauty and enjoyment of the art itself, but in how it plays a critical role in strengthening and holding up communities—including in surprising ways. You'll like this episode.Our host, Aaron Turner, is thrilled to be joined by Lynne Toye of the NJ Arts & Culture Renewal Fund; Adam Perle, President & CEO of ArtsPrideNJ; and Alysia Souder, Executive Director, the Institute of Music for Children. Learn more about their organizations here: https://njartsculture.orghttps://artpridenj.orghttps://www.instituteofmusic.org/
Feb 20, 202529:05

Understanding the Family Homelessness Crisis in NJ
In this episode, we shine a light on family homelessness, one of New Jersey’s more urgent but often overlooked social challenges. When most people think about homelessness, they might picture a single adult on the street. But the true face of homelessness is often much younger, much more vulnerable. It's children clutching worn backpacks, parents working multiple jobs but still unable to secure stable housing, a mother and her two children living in cars, shelters, or cycling between temporary spaces.
We explore the complex web of economic challenges, systemic barriers, and personal struggles that push families to the margins. And we hear from two experts on the front lines working to create meaningful solutions: Taissa Kelly, CEO of Monarch Housing Associates, and Mike Callahan, Director of the New Jersey Office of Homelessness Prevention.
This is a difficult issue, but there is some reason for hope.
Learn more about our guests and their organizations here:
Dec 19, 202430:03

How are our veterans doing?
In recognition of Veterans Day 2024, we're hosting a dedicated conversation examining the current state of our nation's veterans and the critical support they need. This episode shines a light on the significant challenges facing many veterans, including:
22 US veterans commit suicide every day
More than 40% of female veterans report experiencing military sexual harassment or military sexual trauma
26% of the homeless US population are veterans, amounting to 37,000 homeless veterans
More than 1-in-10 U.S. veterans have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder
To dive deeper into these issues and discuss solutions, our host Aaron Turner, CFNJ's Chief Philanthropic Officer, sits down with Matthew Ellison from The Patriot Fund and Joe Brooks from the Veterans Multi-Service Center - two leading organizations providing vital support to veterans in New Jersey.
This conversation serves as an important primer on the challenges veterans face and the organizations working to address them. We encourage you to learn more about the services offered by our guests' organizations:
The Patriot Fund: https://patriotfundinc.org Veterans Multi-Service Center: https://www.vmcenter.org
By shining a spotlight on veteran's issues, we hope to inspire more people to get involved and support those who have sacrificed so much for our country.
Nov 11, 202422:55

Why Are Pet-Friendly Domestic Violence Shelters Vital in NJ?
97% of domestic violence survivors say that concern about leaving a pet was a factor in their decision to leave an abusive situation. Yet, only 17% of domestic violence shelters accept pets.
Emergency sheltering for victims of domestic violence is a critical need. Not everyone has access to the homes of family or friends as a means to find safety.
Not enough shelters in New Jersey allow pets. And that needs to change.
This is an issue the Community Foundation of New Jersey has leaned into thanks to a generous donor, Karen Lindemann, who left CFNJ a bequest that was designed to ensure that considerations around pets would not stop survivors from seeking help. In Karen’s memory, the Community Foundation has launched an ambitious goal to ensure that at least one domestic violence shelter in each of New Jersey’s 21 counties is outfitted to include survivors and their pets.
Important Links:
New Jersey Coalition to End Domestic Violence https://njcedv.org/
180 Turning Lives Around https://redrover.org/the-purple-leash-project/
Red Rover https://redrover.org/
Red Rover Purple Leash Project https://redrover.org/the-purple-leash-project/
20 by 2025 - 25% of domestic violence shelters become pet friendly by 2025 https://25by2025.org/
NJ Statewide Domestic Violence Helpline: 1-800-572-SAFE (7233)
Oct 03, 202429:47

Why is maternal health in the US so bad – and what is being done about it here in NJ?
The U.S. is ranked 64th in maternal mortality, putting us behind Russia, Tajikistan, and Albania, among others, and about tied with Iran. Maternal health statistics in New Jersey are also bleak. The state has the fourth highest maternal mortality rate out of the fifty states; only Indiana, Georgia and Louisiana have higher rates. And when looking at the demographic breakdown of the rates in New Jersey, Black women experience seven times the rate of death from pregnancy-associated causes compared to their white counterparts.
With guest Ria Rodney from NurtureNJ, we learn why, in a country that spends more on healthcare than any other, mothers are dying at rates unseen in other developed nations. She helps peel back the layers of this complex issue, why it disproportionately affects women of color, and what is being done about it here in New Jersey – and there are glimmers of hope.
Find out more about NurtureNJ: https://nurturenj.nj.gov
Sep 05, 202422:47

TBT: Are the kids alright? A look at teen mental health in NJ.
In our first Throwback Thursday, we are re-posting our popular episode “Are the kids alright? A look at teen mental health in NJ.” Recent developments nationally and in Trenton point to the continued urgency around mental health for our teens. We invite you to listen (again).
Forty-two percent of New Jersey teens have reported feeling sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks in a row. Two-thirds of teens in the US who experience a mental health challenge don’t seek help. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 15 and 19.
These alarming statics point to a real problem. In this episode, we hear from experts on what is driving this epidemic of worsening mental health, particularly among young people in New Jersey, what signals to look for, and what can be done to change course.
We discuss the topic in two parts. First with Robert Kley and Jaime Angelini, leaders from the Mental Health Association in New Jersey who share some of the foundational pieces around mental health for young people. We then hear from Jackie Looby from Cornerstone Family Programs for a deep-dive on an innovative, evidenced-based program called “Teen Mental Health First Aid.” Jackie is joined by Azaria and Andrea, New Jersey high schoolers who have been trained in Teen Mental Health First Aid and seen its impact on their peers. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by calling 988.
Aug 01, 202431:45

A closer look foster care in New Jersey
New Jersey has had a fraught history with foster care. Many of our listeners will remember the 2003 death of 7-year-old Faheem Williams due to neglect. His body was found in a locked basement in Newark alongside his two brothers who were starving but still alive.
This tragedy led to a large settlement garnering national attention. It also led to major structural and programmatic reforms, including an outside expert to monitor the state’s foster care reform efforts, a process that formally ended in March of this year.
As Lilo Stainton writes in NJ Spotlight: Two decades after the original settlement was crafted, New Jersey is considered a national leader in child welfare, according to some metrics, with a child protection system focused on keeping families safely together, whenever possible.
On today’s episode we have a conversation about the foster care system in New Jersey. We are joined by leaders from some of New Jersey’s most reputable organizations: Liza Kirschenbaum of CASA of NJ and Edith Fiato of Roots & Wings.
We cover the basics of foster care in the state (some of which will surprise you), what challenges the system continues to face, and how youth experiencing the system are faring.
Thanks for listening.
More about our guests’ organizations:
CASA of New Jersey: www.casaofnj.org; To volunteer: https://casaofnj.org/steps-to-volunteer-casa/ To donate: https://casaofnj.org/helpachild/
Roots & Wings: https://rootsandwingsnj.org/ Edith Fiato can be reached at edith.fiato@rootsandwingnj.org to set up a meeting or tour their office.
Please also see another worthwhile organization focused on supporting foster families and youth in foster care: NJ Angels https://www.newjerseyangels.org
May 29, 202434:00

The loss of local news, its impacts and what to do about it
‘America has lost one-third of its newspapers and two-thirds of its newspaper journalists since 2005’, according to a Northwestern University Medill School of Journalism study.
At the current pace, the country is on track to have lost 3,000 newspapers in the last twenty years, with fewer than 6,000 remaining.
Beyond the obvious information vacuum and lost jobs, studies show that the decline in local news leads to increased political polarization, more political corruption, and a greater risk of misinformation filling the void.
To talk about these changes -- and ways we might reverse these trends in New Jersey -- we speak with Chris Daggett from the New Jersey Civic Information Consortium, which provides financial resources for local news and information providers, and Kenny Miles of the Trenton Journal, an independent platform that specifically addresses information gaps and amplifies voices in New Jersey’s capital city.
For more info on our guests, their organizations and related efforts:
NJ Civic Information Consortium: https://njcivicinfo.org
Trenton Journal: https://trentonjournal.com
State of Local News Study, Northwestern: https://localnewsinitiative.northwestern.edu
Press Forward: https://www.pressforward.news
Apr 11, 202431:00

A Conversation on Human Trafficking in New Jersey
We are switching things up a little for this episode. The Community Foundation of New Jersey has started a webinar series that brings in multiple experts for deep dive conversations on important topics. This webinar – presented here as a podcast – focuses on human trafficking, which is a problem globally and in New Jersey. The topic is both heartbreaking and incredibly complex, but our expert guests lay it out in understandable terms and provide guidance on how fundholders and citizens can engage. Some of the recommendations may surprise you. We were pleased to welcome leaders from the NJ Coalition Against Human Trafficking, the Sanar Institute, Covenant House New Jersey, and Legal Services of New Jersey, a collection of organizations committed to preventing trafficking and supporting survivors.
We hope you find this informative.
Nov 15, 202345:53

What’s Up (or Down) with literacy in New Jersey?
The drop in reading scores of US children post-COVID dominated the headlines in Summer 2023 – with reading scores down in nearly every state. Unfortunately, low reading scores pre-date the pandemic, owing to intractable challenges in too many communities. “Dire,” “jarring,” and “ominous” is how one report talks about reading proficiency in New Jersey. Only a little more than 40 percent of New Jersey third graders are reading at or above proficiency. In Newark, less than 20 percent or third graders are proficient. In Camden, it’s less than 7 percent. And African American, Hispanic and children from economically disadvantaged families experience particularly low proficiency on average.
In this episode, we unpack what’s driving these low reading levels, what the impacts are, and ways to address it. Paula White joins the pod. She is Executive Director of JerseyCAN, a leading educational and advocacy organization dedicated to ensuring that all New Jersey families have access to high-quality schools. Central to their mission is making sure that students get continuous support with appropriate resources and excellent teaching, regardless of their zip code, cultural background, or socioeconomic status.Hope you enjoy!
Oct 16, 202324:00

“Are the kids alright? A look at teen mental health in New Jersey”
Forty-two percent of New Jersey teens have reported feeling sad or hopeless almost every day for two weeks in a row. Two-thirds of teens in the US who experience a mental health challenge don’t seek help. Suicide is the third leading cause of death among Americans between the ages of 15 and 19.
These alarming statics point to a real problem. In this episode, we hear from experts on what is driving this epidemic of worsening mental health, particularly among young people in New Jersey, what signals to look for, and what can be done to change course.
We discuss the topic in two parts. First with Robert Kley and Jaime Angelini, leaders from the Mental Health Association in New Jersey who share some of the foundational pieces around mental health for young people. We then hear from Jackie Looby from Cornerstone Family Programs for a deep-dive on an innovative, evidenced-based program called “Teen Mental Health First Aid.” Jackie is joined by Azaria and Andrea, New Jersey high schoolers who have been trained in Teen Mental Health First Aid and seen its impact on their peers. If you or someone you know is in crisis, contact the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline by calling 988.
Jul 31, 202331:55

A conversation with Eva Turbiner, public health leader and just-retired CEO of Zufall Health Community Health Centers
Eva Turbiner is a public health legend, having led one of New Jersey’s largest health centers serving the un-insured and under-insured, Zufall Health, for 16 years. In this episode, Eva offers the listeners an overview of the population health needs in state, particularly for those on the margins not being served by the larger healthcare system.
During her tenure at Zufall, the organization expanded from a single small health center in Morris County to a network of eleven clinical sites in seven New Jersey counties, serving 45,000 patients annually. Eva’s previous posts include Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Hudson River HealthCare and as President of Palisades Planning Associates, Inc., a health care consultancy.
Eva retired from Zufall earlier this year but continues to lead the Health Center Advisory Board for the National Center for Health in Public Housing, among other distinguished board positions over the years. Eva has been a leader of note in advancing health justice in New Jersey and nationally and brings that hard-earned perspective as a board member here at the Community Foundation of New Jersey.
Jun 19, 202333:01

Interview with Jim White, Executive Director of Covenant House New Jersey
Jim is the Executive Director of Covenant House New Jersey, which has for 30 years been serving homeless and trafficked youth between the ages of 18 21, operating in 5 cities across New Jersey – Newark, Asbury Park, Atlantic City, Elizabeth, and Montclair. Services include providing intermediate and transitional housing for young people and a suite of other supportive services – a continuum of care – that we will hear more about from Jim. Covenant House NJ also advocates on policy issues, including homelessness, trafficking, foster care, physical & mental health, LGBTQ+ issues, pregnant and parenting youth, affordable housing, employment, and racial discrimination.
Jim provides a deep dive into the twin challenges of youth homelessness and the trafficking of young people, including the causes and ways to help set them on a course to thrive. This powerful conversation draws on Jim's extraordinary 40 years at Covenant House supporting youth in crisis. This is a good one.
May 16, 202328:23

Dialogue with Pastor Pam Jones, founder of Communities in Cooperation, advocate for fragile families and the justice-involved
Pastor Pam is a force of nature and an advocate for building the resiliency of New Jersey’s youth, the justice-involved, the unemployed, the under-employed, and other underserved populations and fragile families. She founded Communities in Cooperation (CIC), an organization that strengthens communities through Family & Individual Assistance Programs, Job Readiness & Employment, Utility Assistance, Reentry Services, and youth mentoring. CIC has built a particularly strong platform of supporting prisoner re-entry into society, which Pastor Pam and host Aaron Turner discuss in detail.
Pastor Pam diagnoses the big challenges people in or emerging from the criminal justice system face (with some surprises) and the types of critical support they need to get back on their feet and living fulfilling and productive lives.
Apr 12, 202340:02

A conversation with Mark Dinglasan, the inaugural Director of the NJ Office of the Food Security Advocate
Mark unpacks the main drivers of food insecurity nationally and in New Jersey, talks through some common misconceptions around the issue, and highlights the most promising interventions. Mark also shares his personal and professional journey to this imporant work.
At the end of the episode Mark has two book recommendations for those interested in social impact work: 1) Tattoos on the Heart by Father Gregory Boyle and 2) The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.
Mar 15, 202337:10

Interview with Ryan Haygood, President and CEO of the New Jersey Institute of Social Justice
Ryan shares with listeners the big social justice issues of the day - in New Jersey and nationally - and how his organization is driving change. He also lays out how donors and citizens can engage with this work and make a difference.
Feb 07, 202340:59